Brexit, tutta colpa dei vecchi …

… da venerdì mattina, tutti all’unisono, i nostri “propagatori del pensiero unico” ripetono il loro nuovo mantra: “ il Brexit è scontro tra generazioni, tra giovani e vecchi. Il Brexit è stato scelto dai vecchi mentre i giovani volevano e vogliono l’Unione europea”.

Fine dell’analisi.


Ma cosa dicono lato britannico? … (richiesta conoscenza della lingua inglese)

Il “Financial Times” (noto quotidiano di ispirazione comunista …)  dichiara in merito al Brexit:

“Why do so many British voters feel resentment towards an EU that so many other British voters regard, if not with love, then as a benign embodiment of modernity?
It is all about social class, age, education and mobility. This has been Britain’s most class-based vote of recent decades, with the normal cross-class alliances dissolving into an early-21st-century “peasants’ revolt”.”


The Guardian (gli articoli li trovate qui e qui)

“If you’ve got money, you vote in, if you haven’t got money, you vote out.”

“Not for the first time, the atmosphere around the referendum had the sulphurous whiff not just of inequality, but a kind of misshapen class war.”

“It was a protest against the economic model that has been in place for the past three decades”

“The reason is obvious. Europe has failed to fulfil the historic role allocated to it. Jobs, living standards and welfare states were all better protected in the heyday of nation states in the 1950s and 1960s than they have been in the age of globalisation. Unemployment across the eurozone is more than 10%. Italy’s economy is barely any bigger now than it was when the euro was created. Greece’s economy has shrunk by almost a third. Austerity has eroded welfare provision. Labour market protections have been stripped away.”


Insomma, dei vecchi egoisti anti Unione europea non vi è traccia in Gran Bretagna.

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